Monday, October 24, 2011

Another Opportunity Comes A Knocking

I've recently decided to go to Cosmetology School to become a Nail Technician.  My aunt's been after me to go to Cosmetology school for a long time since high school to be exact and now with economic conditions the way they are and I can't seem to find a suitable job in the financial field at the moment, this is the best course of action for me.  The fact that I love to decorate and design nails helps in this decision also.

I applied online with the Mansfield Beauty Academy and I received a phone call this morning with an invitation to visit the school and facilities.  I'm extremely excited.  I can't wait to start this new chapter in my life.  I figured after 20 years in the financial industry it was time to make a change.

I think I would like to specialize in Acrylics and Gel nails because they seem to be the newest things in the industry.  I am very eager to learn as much as I can and I calculated that if I take courses 40 hours a week for two months I should be able to get my license.  Then I'll be able to either get a job through the school or with a few of my relatives.

My husband Scott has been the most wonderful support for me along with my family and friends.  Everyone thinks this would be a great venue for me since I love anything creative.  I should have realized from the very start that I need to work in a field that is creative.  I loved the corporate world but really didn't belong there and I realize that now.

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